Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Foods To Get A More Incredible Hair

By Debbie Jones

Healthy and beautiful hair is every woman's and man's crowning glory. How do you maintain the healthy glow of your tresses? It's not just about your regular trips to the salon or your stock of hair products that can keep your hair beautiful. Real beauty comes from within so better eat up with this list of foods for healthier hair.

Green leafy vegetables are a must for healthy scalp that results to healthy hair. They are good sources of vitamins A and C that aids the sebaceous glands in your hair to make more sebum. This substance is your hair's natural oil that keeps it from getting dry.

Among fruits and vegetables, carrots and berries are considered top when you talk about hair and scalp care. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that promotes hair growth, prevent hair loss and even make the hair look shinier. Berries are also rich in antioxidants that slow down the aging process of the skin and the scalp.

We all know that protein is good for the hair and eggs are the best source of protein along with most poultry products. Eggs are very convenient to cook and eat. Fried or boiled, they still come out yummy and satisfying. You can even add up some chicken for a protein-packed meal.

Salmon and oyster are two seafoods that you should also include in your list of hair foods. While the former is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, the latter is a good source of zinc. Omega-3 and zinc can help protect your hair against dryness. In addition, salmon is also rich in vitamin B12, the same vitamin that is found in fresh eggs that helps strengthen the hair.

You will notice that most of the foods that are good for the hair are good for the rest of the body as well. That is because when the body lacks the proper nutrition it needs, it could get sick and sickness as we all know can affect the growth cycle and overall health of your hair. In short, the secret to a healthy hair is a well-balanced diet along with the proper haircare.

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