Sunday, December 5, 2010

Everything You Need to Know About Internal and External Hemorrhoids

By John Smart

Hemorrhoids are generally enlarged or inflamed blood vessels in the posterior rectal region. The most usual symptoms of hemorrhoids are rectal bleeding, blistering, pain and itchiness.Hemorrhoids can be internal (situated inside the posterior lower rectum) or external (beneath the skin around the anus). These two kinds of hemorrhoids may occur at the same time.

However, there are a handful diseases and health problems that make hemorrhoids prevention less attainable, like Crohn?s disease, hypertension, badly supervised diabetes and pregnancy. If you are presently having one of these health conditions and suffer from hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoids may not entirely be eliminated until the origin is treated, and, certainly, hemorrhoids prevention cannot be totally probable.

Inner hemorrhoids are usually small, inflamed blood veins in the lining of the anal canal. However, they can be sometimes large, slumping veins that lump out of your anus all the time. If you have this kind of hemorrhoid, it can be painful if they lump out and are pressured by the rectal muscles. Pain is experienced if the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is blocked. If you have a sagging hemorrhoid, you can also observe mucus on your stool.

On the other hand, pain may develop in persons who have thrombosis or coagulated blood within the hemorrhoid. This can happen within either external or internal hemorrhoids. Clotted external hemorrhoids are of color plum bulge. When the skin around the rectal area becomes swollen, severe pain can be experienced.

On the other hand, external or outer hemorrhoid can also bleed, leading to a rigid painful bulge. This is clinically called as a thrombosed anal vein, or generally a hemorrhoid. Although hemorrhoid is not fatal, this is a condition which you should not ignore completely. Most hemorrhoids can be a sign of a more serious problem such as cancer of the colon, anus and intestine.

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