Saturday, December 4, 2010

Best Cure For Genital Wart In Males And Females For Better Health

By Alma Austin

Genital wart is a skin disorder caused by the Human Papilloma Virus and affects the skin around the genital organs and the anus in both sexes. Soft colored itchy growths appear on the affected part and the growths increase with time. The virus can be passed from one infected person to a healthy one through direct skin contact or sexual intercourse with an infected partner. Several procedures have been developed to manage this condition through the cure for genital wart.

The treatment procedures are meant to remove the warts, inhibit their growth or destroy the HPV virus. The cheapest and readily available procedure is the use of medications. Some medications must be administered by a qualified medic while others can be applied by the patient with the doctor's prescription. The doctor can administer a resin medication called Podophyllin right in his office. This is a simple procedure and is taken over a period as the doctor directs.

There is a home self treatment procedure using Podopfilox lotion. The patient is directed to apply the gel on the warts twice a day in cycles of three days a week. This procedure is easily affordable and simple in application. It is known to destroy the warts and secure the healed skin from possible re-infection.

Liquefied nitrogen is used to freeze out the growths in a process referred to as Cryotherapy. The physician administering the procedure determines how long the procedure lasts by constant inspection of the progress. Warts that are hard to heal will require longer periods of administration depending on the level of infection.

Another procedure that is intended to remove the warts by clearing the inflamed cells causing the growth is laser treatment. This involves the use of strong light rays to kill the already developed growth cells. The procedure is recommended for cases that have resisted other treatment procedures.

Electrocautery surgery is a procedure that entails burning the warts with electric current. This is intended to destroy the warts and the infected cells. The doctor administers this procedure under anesthesia as the procedure includes the surrounding tissue.

The warts can also be physically separated from the skin tissue by having them cut off through surgical excision. Since the procedure removes only the observable warts, regular inspections by the doctor is recommended after the operation. During the follow-up visits, the doctors monitor the healing process and any re-occurrence that might occur.

Homeopathy is a procedure that is gaining increased popularity in the remedies for warts markets. This procedure is based on the concept that small amounts of the ingredient which leads to symptoms can trigger the body's immunity to fight the wart infection. Ozone ingredients are known to kill the HPV virus. Mixtures of other ingredients have been developed and have delivered positive results.

Proper management of the condition reduces its spread and thus the effects enabling infected individuals to lead normal lives. There are simple home procedures that help patients prevent the condition from worsening when undergoing cure for genital warts procedures. Avoid touching, scratching or pricking the warts as this may inflame the infected cells worsening the situation. Protect healthy sex partners by avoiding sex until full recovery is achieved. This helps to avoid re-infection should your partner be infected.

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