Friday, March 19, 2010

What Causes Cold Sores - How Can I Stop A Reoccurring Cold Sore?

By Denny Bodoh

What causes cold sores for you? Find out right now and stop putting up with these miserable interruptions in your life. Here are the top three triggers you need to determine what causes cold sores in your life.

Truly what causes cold sores is the herpes simplex virus, either type 1 or 2. And do not be depressed about the herpes stigma. 90% of the population are infected with the herpes virus.

Quite likely you already are aware of this. The most important thing to know, however, are the three primary triggers that bring about virus activity. These are the true villains.

If this virus senses the perfect conditions for replication, it will come out of hibernation, travel to the surface of your lip or nose, and drill into the cells there. Then it forces the cells to become virus factories.

As the cells fill with new virus, the cells swell up and eventually burst open, releasing them. This activity creates your painful open sore.

Your top three triggers that activates this virus are explained here. These are what actually cause your cold sores.


Your antibodies are your front-line defense against germs like the herpes virus. The strength of the antibodies determines the level of your immunity.

Vitamins and minerals are nutrients essential for good immunity. You can get them from diet and supplements. They are directly responsible for building potent antibodies.

If you suffer frequent outbreaks, your immunity is weak.

Eat more fresh, uncooked vegetables and fruits. These provide the best quality and best absorbed nutrients.

It is of prime importance, also, that you begin a daily vitamin supplement plan. Like others, this could be all you need to avoid these destructive sores.

However, do not waste your money on those one or two per day drug-store vitamins. You must use a three to six capsule high quality vitamin if you want to get results.

Every vitamin is useful, but of particular importance are vitamins A, E, C and all the B vitamins. Calcium and zinc are big players too.


Arginine and lysine are common proteins that play an important role in your outbreaks. Most foods contain them in varying levels.

Arginine is the one essential ingredient in the herpes virus replication program. Without arginine, new virus cannot be created and an outbreak is averted.

Lysine is a protein that cannot be used for building herpes virus particles.

Your cells store both these amino acids using the same receptors. There is limited storage capacity, so the more of one means less of the other.

Flooding your cells with lysine pushes out arginine thus starving out the herpes virus. This is why lysine is such a useful cold sore treatment.

Fish and dairy products are high in lysine and great for lysine therapy. Most folks use lysine capsules for ease of use and more exacting control of intake quantities.


When your pH level is alkaline, you have high resistance to disease. The pH scale ranges from 1 through 14 where 7 is neutral, above 7 is alkaline and below 7 is acid.

Several things (diet, stress, weather and activity) affect your pH levels, that normally range between 6.4 and 7.4. Any drop below 7 can activate the herpes virus.

The more acid your tissues become, the less oxygen they can hold. These lowered oxygen levels invite the herpes virus to become active.

You want to avoid acid creating food such as soda and sugar and eat more green vegetables. Asparagus is really tops for this. Also, vitamin stores have pH kits that work well if you get frequent sores.

These are the three main triggers that cause your outbreaks. There are others to be sure, but being aware of these basic triggers will be of great help to you.

There simply is no reason for you to suffer any longer. My hope is that with knowledge of these three triggers you can address what causes cold sores for you.

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