Saturday, March 20, 2010

Is Hypertension And Depression Interrelated?

By Christian Goodman

This client has just purchased my high blood pressure program. On of my client witted with me saying he will not be depressed after purchasing my program.

Research also speak about this. Many researches that had been done on hypertension and depression tells that depression is by product of hypertension.

Depression as the original problem: A person who has suffered long term depression or other anxiety disorders is much more likely to develop high blood pressure. Natural treatment is the best way to cure high blood pressure.

People who suffer from depression tend to practice poor eating habits and do not necessarily tend to their health properly (including monitoring high blood pressure.)

Unfortunately even those people had hypertension. The interesting fact is this study do surveyed on people who did not have any bad habits.

When a person is depressed for a very long time, it tend to change the hormone genetically. This is one of the major reason for hypertension.

Anti depressant medications can also rise blood pressure to a certain extent.

Given these factors, there is a link between depression and high blood pressure.

Now let's have a look at hypertension.

The link here tends to lead back to the high blood pressure medication. The side effects clearly state on many medications: DEPRESSION.

So, as is often the case, gaining relief from one issue results in another problem.

The connection between depression and hypertension cannot be ignored. Even though my client who was asking depression is only joking.

Stress shows up again and again as at least a contributor if not the cause of many problems. It really is no surprise that hypertension and depression can also result from it.

Practices that can help high blood pressure regardless of the cause:

Don't drink to excess. In fact, some people see a spike in blood pressure after just a drink or two, and in those cases drinking is not recommended at all.

Do not smoke. Smoking create many problems including increased blood pressure.

Eat healthy. One should try to always eat at correct time and should eat healthy food.

These programs are easy to use and comes with good results. My natural programs such as high blood pressure program and weight loss breeze program are very much recommended.


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