Monday, January 18, 2010

How Serious Is A Candida Rash?

By Doc Walton

A Candida rash and you will normally become close friends with each other if you find yourself suffering from a Candida infection. For those not in the know, Candida results from a fungal organism generally of the Candida albicans family. This fungal organism is present in the G. I. Tract in many men and women. When this organism escapes the G. I. Tract is when people may begin to experience problems with the organism.

Typically, Candida infections show in a number of different ways and in a number of different areas on the body. For women, one area in particular where the Candida organism shows itself is in the vagina. In men it can sometimes be the case that the Candida fungus takes up residence near the head of the penis. When Candida shows up on the skin a person will sometimes experience a rash. Candida diaper rash is a common fact of life for many babies.

Candida skin rashes in children are a common sight mainly due to the fact that the Candida microorganism is usually prevalent within the gastrointestinal tract of small children. The most common of these microorganisms is Candida albicans. A Candida albicans rash is nothing more than a condition caused by the presence of that specific species of Candida.

Candida rashes, or Candida skin rashes, as they are more commonly known, can be treated in a number of different ways. Usually, a topical broad-spectrum antibiotic skin cream will normally do the trick in helping to eliminate Candida rashes on the skin. Fungal infections such as Candida sometimes result for generally unknown reasons.

In babies, Candida diaper rash is normally characterized by raised red bumps all over the baby's posterior area where the diaper has maximum coverage. This is because of the presence of the Candida fungus within the gastrointestinal tract. That fungus makes its way through the G.I. Tract and out of the baby during normal excretion.

It's also the case that something known as a Candida die off rash may occur whenever a large number of Candida fungal organisms inhabiting the G. I. Tract suddenly die off and release as a waste product certain toxins that the body can't effectively flush out soon enough. The result is that a type of skin rash could occur from these toxins.

As far as dealing with certain Candida rash treatment regimens, it is helpful to remember that supportive care in the cleaning of the area that's been affected by the rash will do the most to rid the skin of that rash. Also, warm compresses and those antibiotic creams have been proven equally as effective. Check out the Internet if you're curious about Candida. Just conduct a search for Candida rash pictures and study them.

People who are unfamiliar with the medical term "Candida" need to know first of all that it is NOT a sexually transmitted disease. However, having unsafe sex with a partner who already has an infection on or in their genitals can transmit Candida to their sexual organs causing either a Candida yeast infection, or Candida penis. Therefore, there should be no shame or embarrassment in discussing the Candida microorganism or medical issues related to Candida with a doctor or other health professional, or even with friends or family.

Candida rash that is the result of a Candida infection and how it's handled will all depend on how well-educated person who is suffering from the infection has made him or herself. As always, educated awareness of the Candida fungal organism will help a person to realize that all they are dealing with is generally an overabundance of the yeast, Candida albicans which can be completely uprooted from their body by following the anti Candida diet.

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