Thursday, July 16, 2009

Drug Resistant Fungal Infections

By Jason King

Miconazole resistant yeast infections are easy to create, and more women are now finding this out all the time. They keep applying this anti fungal drug ( miconazole ) to the symptoms of their Candida overgrowth, and then the fungus in their vagina soon becomes resistant.

The biggest mistake women make with attempting to cure their yeast infection with the anti fungal OTC creams is, the vaginal itching is only a symptom of their infection. To keep applying anti fungal cream to a symptom is not going to work ever, but because of their doctor's advice, these women think this is how they cure a yeast infection.

The Candida yeast lives in your body all the time, and it has been there for years. You haven't just been infected with it, your body has just lost control of it. Up until you started suffering from your symptoms your body was keeping the yeast under control which was making it harmless. Now it has mutated into a fungus because your body's natural defenses are not doing their job properly.

The yeast will grow in numbers when your body's natural defenses have been compromised. This is when it will mutate into an infection causing fungus, and then your symptoms start. Fungi love a warm, moist place to breed in, and that is why the symptoms of a yeast infection are worse in the vagina.

Because you're only experiencing itching in your vagina, that doesn't mean that this is the only place on or in your body that the fungus has infected. If that was the case then the anti fungal cream would have worked first time. The fungal infection is also on the inside of your body in your intestines, because your body is allowing the yeast to mutate, and your intestines are the place where your body has the most yeast.

The yeast is not the problem when it comes to infections as this organism lives in all of us all of the time. The infections start when your body can't keep the yeast under control anymore, and then it starts mutating into an aggressive fungus that starts feeding on. Your body has to regain control of the bacterial environment in your body, and until it does you will always have fungus growing in your intestines and vagina. The cream you're using is just creating a stronger strain of fungus that is going to be more difficult to eliminate from your body.

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